Warranty & Product Registration
Product Registration
Genie requires that the seller or owner of a Genie® machine registers the model and serial number of each product, as well as the name, address and telephone number of the new owner, within 60 days.
Updating machine owner information will ensure that Genie is able to serve you and your customers' support needs. This includes being made aware of any safety related bulletins applicable to your machine.
Product Warranty
Our knowledgeable, responsive warranty team is here to help make your warranty experience as seamless as possible. You can also maximize your equipment’s protection with Terex Xtend™, an extended service protection plan offering up to four years of comprehensive coverage.
- Online Claim Submission (Accessible by clicking here below with your Genie Customer Account logins)
- Standard 5-2-2 Year Warranty on all Booms, Scissors and Telehandlers
- Comprehensive 1 Year Warranty on Towed Products, Personnel & Material Lifts (Push Around Lifts) and Aerial Work Platforms
For more Information contact AWP.EMEARTechnicalSupport@terex.com